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Jumaat, 20 Mei 2011

Amalan Murah Rezeki - Amalkan Surah Al-Waqi'ah

Surah Al-Waqi’ah (سورة الواقعة) adalah surah yang ke-56 dalam Al-Quran, terletak pada juzuk ke 27 dan terdiri dari 96 ayat. Surat yang diturunkan selepas Surah Taahaa ini dinamakan dengan Al-Waqi’ah (Hari Kiamat), diambil dari perkataan Al-Waqi’ah yang terdapat pada ayat pertama. Di dalam surah Al-Waqi’ah ini menerangkan tentang hari kiamat, balasan yang diterima oleh orang-orang mukmin dan orang-orang kafir. Diterangkan pula penciptaan manusia, tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan api, sebagai bukti kekuasaan Allah SWT dan adanya hari kebangkitan.

Apa yang hebatnya surah Al-Waqi'ah ini, dengan amalan membacanya ia memberikan beberapa khasiat dan kelebihan tersendiri.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
Surah Al-Waqi'ah adalah surah kekayaan. Hendaklah kamu membacanya dan ajarkanlah ia kepada anak-anak kamu.” (Riwayat Ibn Mardawaih daripada Anas: Kasyf al-Khafa’).
“Sesiapa yang membaca surah Al-Waqi'ah pada setiap malam ia tidak akan ditimpa kefakiran.” (Riwayat daripada Ibn Mas‘ud: al-Azkar, al-Jami al-Soghir).
“Ajarkanlah surah Al-Waqi’ah kepada isteri-isterimu. Kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah surah Kekayaan.” (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Ady)
Menurut fatwa sebahagian Ulama’ katanya:
“Barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah pada setiap hari dan malam dalam satu majlis sebanyak 40 kali, selama 40 hari pula, maka Allah SWT akan memudahkan rezekinya dengan tanpa kesukaran dan mengalir terus dari pelbagai penjuru serta berkah pula.”
Di antara fadhilah-fadhilah membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah adalah:

1. Jika dibaca setiap malam sebagai wirid, maka tidak akan tertimpa kepapaan.

Rasulullah bersabda :
"Man qara’a suratal-Waqi’ati kulla lailatil lam tusibhu faqah, wa suratul-Waqi’ati suratul-gina faqra’uha wa ’allimuha aulada-kum."
“Barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah tiap malam, maka tidak akan menimpa kepadanya kepapaan. Dan surah Al-Waqi’ah adalah surah kaya, maka bacalah dan ajarkanlah kepada anak-anak kamu.”

2. Berkata Masruq: “Siapa ingin mengetahui cerita orang-orang terdahulu dan orang-orang terkemudian, serta cerita ahli surga dan ahli neraka, penduduk dunia dan akhirat, maka bacalah surah Al-Waqi’ah”. (Tafsir Jamal, Juz IV halaman 269)

3. Imam Ja’far ra. berkata: “Barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah pada waktu pagi ketika keluar dari rumahnya untuk bekerja, atau untuk mencari kemudahan. Maka Allah Ta’ala mempermudah rezekinya dan mendatangkan hajatnya. Dan barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah pada waktu pagi dan petang, maka ia tidak akan kelaparan atau kehausan, dan tidak akan takut terhadap orang yang akan memfitnah, sedangkan fitnahannya kembali pada orang itu”. (Khazinatul Asrar Kubra, hal. 360)

4. Disebutkan dalam Khawashul Qur’an, siapa yang membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah sebanyak 41 kali dalam satu majlis, maka didatangkan hajatnya, terutama urusan rezeki. Dan barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah sesudah sholat Asar sebanyak 14 kali dalam satu majlis, maka didatangkan hajatnya, terutama urusan rezeki. Aturan tersebut adalah mujarab. Jika menginginkan datangnya rezeki dari Allah dengan tak terkira-kira datangnya, maka bacalah surah Al-Waqi’ah selama 40 hari berturut-turut jangan terputus, dan setiap harinya dibaca 40 kali.

5. Dengan mewiridkan surah Al-Waqi’ah sebagai bacaan rutin setiap hari dan malam, maka Allah SWT menjauhkan kefakiran selamanya. Sa’d Al Mufti mengatakan, bahawa hadith ini shahih.

Rasulullah bersabda:
"Man qara’a suratal-Waqi’ati lam yaftaqir abada."
“Barangsiapa (membiasakan) membaca surah Al-Waqi’ah, maka ia tidak akan kefakiran selamanya.”

Anda boleh baca surah Al-Waqi'ah di bawah ini beserta maksudnya. Baca dan hayati. Semoga mendapat hidayah dari bacaan tersebut. Amin.

Bacaan yang mempersona dan menginsafkan dibawah disampaikan oleh Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy yang merupakan Imam Masjid Nabawi Madinah.

1. Bacaan Surah Al-Waqi'ah (ayat 1-49) oleh Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy

2. Bacaan Surah Al-Waqi'ah (ayat 50-96) oleh Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al Afasy

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

The Seven Ingredients of Success

By Brian Tracy

This is the age of achievement. Never have more people accomplished more things in more different fields than they are accomplishing today. More people are becoming successful at a faster rate than at any other time in history. There have never been more opportunities for you to turn your dreams into realities than there are right now.

The Seven Ingredients of Success

Your ideal life is a blending these seven ingredients in exactly the combination that makes you the happiest at any particular moment. By defining your success and happiness in terms of one or more of these seven ingredients, you create a clear target to aim it. You can then measure how well you're doing. You can identify the areas where you need to make changes if you want your life to improve.

1. Peace of Mind

The first of these seven ingredients of success, and easily the most important, is peace of mind. It is the highest human good. Without it, nothing else has much value. In corporations, peace of mind can be measured in terms of the amount of harmony that exists among coworkers. The wonderful truth about peace of mind is that it is your normal natural condition. It is the basic precondition for enjoying everything else.

2. Health and Energy

The second ingredient of success is health and energy. Just as peace of mind is your normal and natural mental state, health and energy is your normal and natural physical state. If you achieve all kinds of things in the material world, but lose your health then you will get little or no pleasure from your other accomplishments. So imagine yourself enjoying perfect health, and think of how you would be if you were your ideal image of physical fitness. Then strive for your mental goal of fitness and health.

3. Loving Relationships

The third ingredient of success is loving relationships. These are relationships with the people you love and care about, and the people who love and care about you. They are the real measure of how well you are doing as a human being. At almost any time, you can measure how well you are doing in your relationship by one simple test: laughter. This is true for companies as well. High-performance, high profit organizations are those in which people laugh and joke together. Examine your relationships, one by one, and develop a plan to make each of them enjoyable and satisfying.

4. Financial Freedom

The fourth ingredient of success is financial freedom. Achieving your financial freedom is one of the most important goals and responsibilities of your life. A feeling of freedom is essential to the achievement of any other important goal, and you cannot be free until and unless you have enough money so that you are no longer preoccupied with it. When you decide exactly what you want your financial picture to look like, you will be able to use this system to achieve your goals faster than you might have imagined possible.

5. Worthy Goals and Ideals

The fifth ingredient of success is worthy goals and ideals. To be truly happy, you need a clear sense of direction. You need to feel that your life stands for something, that you are somehow making a valuable contribution to your world.

6. Self Knowledge and Self-Awareness

The sixth ingredient of success is self-knowledge and self-awareness. To perform at your best you need to know who you are and why you think and feel the way you do. It is only when you understand and accept yourself that you can begin moving forward in other areas of your life.

7. Personal Fulfillment

The seventh ingredient of success is personal fulfillment. This is the feeling that you are becoming everything that you are capable of becoming. It is the sure knowledge that you are moving toward the realization of your full potential as a human being.

Action Exercise

Take the brush of your imagination and begin painting a masterpiece on the canvas of your life. It is for you to decide clearly what would make you the happiest in everything you are doing.

Isnin, 16 Mei 2011

3 Factors for Financial Success

By: Brian Tracy

What do wealthy people do or have that enables them to accomplish so much more than the average? I believe that these people are successful as a result of what I call leverage. Leverage is the key to maximizing and multiplying your potential for success and financial achievement. Here are three examples of leverage that you can develop to achieve financial independence:

1. Become an Expert

First, become an expert in your chosen field. Read all the books, take all the courses, listen to all the audio programs. Second, specialize in those areas that are of greatest importance and greatest value to your company or to your customers. And the third key is know your product or service inside out. Aim to be recognized as the industry expert in your field. Remember the person who has the expertise has a far greater contribution to make than the person whose knowledge is just average.

2. Develop Your Skills

The second type of leverage is skill. The better you are at your job, the more you will be paid. The top 20 percent of salespeople earn as much as ten and fifteen times the average earnings of the bottom 80 percent. There are three keys to developing the leverage of skill. First, make a decision to be the best. Pay any price. Make any sacrifice. Go any distance to become excellent at what you do. Second, engage in continuous improvement. Never allow yourself to become satisfied or complacent at your current level of skill. And third, always strive to exceed the expectations of your customers, your boss, of the people you serve. Always do more and better than you're paid for.

3. Save Your Money

The third type of leverage is money. Money is a powerful source of leverage and usually follows the development of knowledge and skill in your field. One of the reasons that it takes money to make money is that the accumulation of funds is an essential step in the development of the personal qualities and character that must precede the achievement of financial independence. In other words, you become the person capable of becoming financially independent by accumulating the funds that are necessary for you to achieve it.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas on personal leverage into action:

First, resolve today to become an expert in your chosen field. Set it as a goal, make a plan and work every day to become a little bit better in the most important things you do.

Second, develop the habit of saving money out of every single paycheck. It was once said that, "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you." The very act of regular saving changes your character and gets you ready to achieve financial independence.


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